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Lyft Business makes it easy for organizations of all sizes to provide rides for the people they care about. Take control of your ride costs, save time with a single solution, and streamline your transportation program.

New ways to manage your riders with Lyft Pass

Search for, invite, and remove groups of riders in seconds.

We know how time consuming it can be to troubleshoot misplaced invitations and re-invite and remove riders one by one. Now you can say goodbye to those not-so-great manual tasks—and “hello” to a much easier and simpler way to work. 

With these new Lyft Pass features, you get:


  • Improved search: You can now quickly search for riders in both email and phone number programs to check whether or not the pass has been claimed.

  • Easier invites: With re-invite and bulk re-invite, you can resend invites to all riders who haven’t accepted in just one click. Which means driving more adoption of your Lyft Pass programs.

  • Control usage: With bulk rider removal, you can upload a CSV file and remove specific groups of riders that are no longer eligible to receive benefits.

To check out the new features, log in to the Business Portal and go to the rider tab within any Lyft Pass program.
